Lori O'Regan
facts, INC
Brain Awareness week at the INC: a successful start
In March 2016 and for the first time, the INC has taken part in the international Brain Awareness Week, on the initiative of Dr. Nicolas Marie. The event was very well attended with more than 150 visitors. It included… Continue reading
events, seminars, videos
Critical Periods in Speech Perception and Development
'Critical Periods in Speech Perception and Development' Continue reading
facts, INC
The INC welcomes students from Hangzhou Dianzi University – 神经科学与识别研究所欢迎杭州电子科技大学的同学们
We are delighted to welcome 6 engineering students from Hangzhou Dianzi University in four of our teams for six months. The internship is organized in the context of a partnership between Hangzhou Dianzhi and Paris… Continue reading
I float, therefore I am … in space
I float therefore I am…in space.
Spatial Neurophysiology at the Neuroscience and Cognition Institute (Institut Neurosciences et Cognition)
Linked to the mass of the earth, Gravity is the most important physical data in the evolution of terrestrial species. The… Continue reading
events, INC, INC Meetings
Winner of the INC day’s Virtual Reality contest announced!
Thank you all for taking part in the INC days Students night and Virtual Reality contest which was a great success.
We are happy to announce that the winner of the contest is Rayane Benhenneda, 4th year… Continue reading
facts, INC
INC Day 2015 – Videos are now available!
After our successful event on Virtual Reality for INC day 2015, we are pleased to announce that some of the talks are available on our website. Click here to view talks by Tony Prescott, Mel Slater, Daniel Mestre,… Continue reading
events, seminars, videos
Thomas Misgeld (Technical University of Munich) – November 20th, 2015
'In vivo imaging of axon dismantling and its subcellular correlates' Continue reading
events, INC, seminars
Baljit Khakh – November 13th
Neuroscience Seminar Series :
Friday, November 13th, 2015 at 11:30 am,
Salle des Conférences (R229), Centre Universitaire des Saints-Pères, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Baljit Khakh, Professor, Department of Physology, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
Title: *Astrocyte… Continue reading
events, seminars, videos
Monique Lafon (Institut Pasteur) – November 6th 2015
'Rabies virus as a source of new therapeutical biomolecules' Continue reading
facts, INC
Brain Machine Interfaces
The development of Brain Machine Interface (BMI) applications has significantly increased in recent years. The pioneering work of Chapin and coworkers in 1999 experimentally demonstrated that a set of spike trains recordings from the cerebral cortex could be used to… Continue reading