Lori O'Regan
events, INC, seminars, videos
Edward Boyden – September 25th 2015
Welcome back to the Neuroscience Seminar Series :
Friday, September 25th, 2015 at 11:30 am,
Salle des Conférences (R229), Centre Universitaire des Saints-Pères, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Ed Boyden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab… Continue reading
events, INC, INC Meetings
INC Day 2015 : Virtual Reality and Neuroscience – November 5th, 2015
This year, the INC Day is dedicated to the many applications of Virtual Reality in Neurocience, Psychology and Psychiatry. It is organized in partnership with the Master programs Biomedical Engineering – Paris, Psychologie Cognitive Fondamentale et Appliquée and Informatique Paris… Continue reading
facts, INC
The INC welcomes a new team from Paris Diderot!
We are pleased to announce that Valerie Metzger’s team from Paris Diderot is joining the INC!
Here is a description of their lab:
The UMR 7216 Epigenetics and Cell Fate (Epigénétique et Destin Cellulaire) was created in January… Continue reading
events, INC, international conferences, videos
Neurobridges 2015: Opening lecture Stanislas Dehaene (College de France and INSERM)
“Decoding the time course of conscious and non - conscious operations" Continue reading
events, INC, seminars, videos
Gareth Miles (University of Saint Andrews) – June 19th, 2015
‘Investigating the pathophysiology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis using human induced pluripotent stem cell technology’ Continue reading
events, facts, INC
The I.N.C opens to Paris Diderot!
The INC welcomes new partner labs from Paris Diderot University. We are happy to announce that the unit UMR 1141 INSERM – Paris Diderot PROTECT, Neuroprotection du cerveau en développement , directed by Pierre Gressens, has… Continue reading
events, INC, seminars, videos
Thomas Kuner (University of Heidelberg) – November 21st, 2014
Neuroscience Seminar Series:
Thomas Kuner – Professor, Director of the Department of Functional Neuroanatomy, University of Heidelberg.
‘Nanostructure of active zones at the calyx of Held: New avenues paved by STED, dSTORM and resin-free scanning-electron-microscopy’
HTML5 Video is required for… Continue reading
Next international events for 2014
We are proud to announce the INC will be supporting 3 new events in 2014:
– February 11-14, 2014: 5th France-Israel Binational Neuroscience Conference, co-organised by David Hansel.
– June 27, 2014: The first International Workshop on infant stepping… Continue reading
events, INC Meetings
Symposium on Balance of excitation and inhibition in sensory cortex – March 11, 2014
Symposia Series: Open questions in Neuroscience
1st Symposium: Balance of excitation and inhibition in sensory cortex
March 11, 2014
Conference room of the Center for Neurophysics, Physiology & Pathology (3rd floor)
Organizers: David Hansel, Gianluigi Mongillo & Carl van Vreeswijk… Continue reading
facts, seminars
New Seminar program for 2014 available!
The Neuroscience Seminar Series is all booked for 2014, save your dates!
( click to view full size)
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