Lori O'Regan
events, seminars, videos
Matteo Carandini (University College, London) – June 24th, 2016
' From Vision to Decision and Navigation in Mouse Cortex'
Continue reading
events, seminars, videos
Valérie Mezger (Université Paris Diderot) – June 17th, 2016
'Fetal stress and epigenetic regulations in the normal and diseased developing brain' Continue reading
events, seminars, videos
Michele Rucci (Boston University, MA, USA) – June 10th, 2016
'Active vision: The inseparable link between perception and action' Continue reading
Yasmine Rabah – winner of the scientific imagery prize
At the University’s headquarters, researchers, teachers , engineers, scientists, admin and technical staff have exhibited photographs, sketches, paintings and scientific posters with the theme : ‘Extreme-s’.
Visitors were invited to vote for their favorite piece in 3 categories:
scientific image… Continue reading
events, seminars
Philippe Isope (Institute of Neurosciences, Strasbourg, France) – Friday, June 3rd. 2016
Specific synaptic processing in cerebellar modules Continue reading
events, seminars
David Sulzer (Columbia University, NY, USA) – Friday, May 27th
Title: Autophagy in CNS synapses Continue reading
events, INC, seminars
Arthur Konnerth (Institute of Neuroscience, Munich, Germany) – Friday, May 20th
Neuroscience Seminar Series :
Friday, May 20th. 2016 at 11:30 am,
Salle des Conférences (R229), Centre Universitaire des Saints-Pères, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris
Arthur Konnerth (Institute of Neuroscience, Munich, Germany)
Title: TRPC3-dependent synaptic transmission in central mammalian neurons… Continue reading
events, INC, seminars, videos
Robert Burgess (Jackson Laboratory, ME, USA) – May 13th, 2016
'Mouse models of Charcot-Marie-Toothperipheral Neuropathy: towards disease mechanisms and therapeutic strategies' Continue reading
events, INC, seminars, videos
Maria Geffen (University of Pennsylvania)
'Neuronal circuits for dynamic auditory processing and learning' Continue reading
events, INC, international conferences
Infrared Spectroscopy
Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy is a non-invasive imaging technique that is gaining momentum. Indeed it can be readily used on babies or on persons performing physically demanding tasks such as high level sportsmen.
The Society for Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy… Continue reading