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  • Neuroscience Seminar Series:

    Vendredi 2 décembre, 2016 à 11:30 am, Salle des Conférences (R229), Centre Universitaire des Saints-Pères, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paristhumbnail of 2016-leboyer-2

    Marion Leboyer – Institut Mondor, Créteil, France

    Is it time for immunopsychiatry?’

    Captation et conception vidéo: Service audiovisuel de Paris Descartes.

    video25-75927Video sur MédiasD

     Major psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, autism are frequent (affecting 30% of population in Europe). These disorders are the causes behind chronic pathologies which are debilitating for sufferers in addition to being an economic burden for society. This is major public health issue, and it is set to become the number one cause of disability around the world by 2020. Yet these disorders are still not well understood and often diagnosed late reflecting a
    lack of understanding of the etiological mechanisms at work and the absence of therapeutical innovations in this domain. However, paradigm shifts and new etio-pathogenic hypotheses should quickly help us to develop new diagnostic and therapeutical tools. Hypotheses around immuno- inflammatorydysfunctions offer a new understanding of physio-pathological pathways which could explain the complexity of these pathologies by placing them at the center of interactions between triggering and inducing factors that occur throughout a person’s life. They also offer the possibility of new diagnostics and therapeutic approaches, paving the way for persoalized care that is in line with other fields of medicine. I will explain how these different approaches all offer tools with which we can better understand, diagnose and treat mental illness.