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    September 30, 2022 – Valeria Cavalli (Washington University School of Medicine, USA) – Satellite Glial Cells in sensory nervous system health, injury and disease

    Exceptionally this seminar will take place in Salle des thèses (3rd floor) – Saint-Germain-des-Prés Campus, 45 rue des Saints Pères, 75006 Paris Research in my laboratory focuses on elucidating the principles and mechanisms by which peripheral nervous system neurons regenerate,…  Continue reading

    events, seminars

    September 23, 2022 – Sébastien Bouret (ICM, Paris) – Neural basis of decision-making in primates. In the lab and beyond

    The presentation will cover the cognitive and neurobiological functions underlying cost-benefits decision making in primates. After covering data from laboratory experiments, I will present recent studies aimed at understanding how these data can help understand how specific neuro-cognitive operations allow…  Continue reading

    events, seminars

    June 24th, 2022 – Pierre Paoletti (Institute of Biology of ENS, Paris) – New lights on neurotransmission: from molecular optogenetics to excitatory glycine receptors

    The function of the human brain and its remarkable capacity for information storage and experience-dependent change hinge on the dynamics of chemical synapses – main ‘contact points’ between neurons. My team has a long-standing interest in studying the molecular principles…  Continue reading

    events, seminars

    Thursday, May 12th, 2022 – Melissa Bowerman (Keele University, UK) – Combining bioinformatic and drug repurposing approaches to develop second-generation therapies for spinal muscular atrophy

    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a devastating childhood disease caused by loss of function of the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene, leading to the death of nerve and muscle cells. The first SMN gene replacement therapies have recently been approved…  Continue reading