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  • events, seminars

    February 3, 2023 – Jenny GUNERSEY (University of Melbourne, Australia) – Excitatory synapse regulators and their potential as therapeutic targets in chronic conditions

    In this presentation, I will describe our recent work on a family of proteins with important roles in excitatory synapse development and maintenance. These proteins have been identified as substrates of the enzyme BACE1, a potential therapeutic target in Alzheimer’s…  Continue reading

    events, INC Meetings

    Friday 13th Awards

    The Friday the 13th was quite a success. Fourty PhD students and postdocs presented oral communications, posters and videos on their research and discuss them together at length before everyone shared the Kings’ Cake. At day’s end, the Jury of…  Continue reading

    events, INC Meetings

    Friday the 13th at INC!

    Discover the research topics of the INC teams on Friday the 13th of January at 2 pm at the headquarters of Paris Cité University, 12 rue de l’Ecole de Médecine. More than 40 PhD students and postdocs will present their…  Continue reading

    events, seminars

    Novembre 25, 2022 – Hélène Puccio (Institut NeuroMyoGene, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon and Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Université de Strasbourg) – Disruption of the CoQ10 biosynthetic Complex Q causes mitochondrial dysfunction and Ca2+ imbalance in Purkinje neurons in COQ8A-ataxia

    COQ8A-Ataxia is a rare form of neurodegenerative disorder due to mutations in the COQ8A gene. The encoded mitochondrial protein is involved in the regulation of Coenzyme Q10 biosynthesis. Previous studies on the constitutive Coq8a-/- mice indicated specific alterations of cerebellar…  Continue reading

    events, seminars

    December 2, 2022 – Gabriel Lepousez (Perception and Memory Laboratory, Pasteur Institute) – How brain circuits sense and integrate peripheral immune signals

    Upon infection, bacterial compounds, and the pro-inflammatory cytokines they elicit, induce a complex response coordinated by the brain and known as “sickness behavior”. This response induces stereotyped behavioral changes (reduced locomotion and food intake, social avoidance), metabolic adjustments (fever, glycemia),…  Continue reading

    events, seminars

    9 Décembre 2022 – Jean-Michel Perrin (Institute of Biology Paris-Seine) – Reconstructing rodent and human neuronal networks to model neurodegenerative syndromes

    Human brain is a complex organ composed of several hundred billions of cells and even more numerous interconnected cellular interactions. There is a high demand for experimental models to study these interactions in various contexts, ranging from cognitive sciences…  Continue reading

    events, seminars

    October 7, 2022 – Fekrije Selimi  (Collège de France, Paris)- The developmental history of the molecular synaptic code controlling excitatory connectivity

    The mature brain results from the formation of precise networks between functionally and morphologically distinct types of neurons. A given neuron forms synapses with a limited number of partners and on precise subcellular localizations. Understanding what controls this specificity is…  Continue reading