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    9 Décembre 2022 – Jean-Michel Perrin (Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine) – Reconstructing rodent and human neuronal networks to model neurodegenerative syndromes

    Human brain is a complex organ composed of several hundred billions of cells and even more numerous interconnected cellular interactions. There is a high demand for experimental models to study these interactions in various contexts, ranging from cognitive sciences to studies…  Continue reading

    événements, séminaires

    28 Octobre 2022 – Christophe Bernard (Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, Université d’Aix-Marseille) – The timescale dynamics of epilepsies: from seconds to decades

    Continuous long-term recordings (months to years) in patients with epilepsy directly show that seizures are regulated not only in a circadian manner, but also on a much slower time scale (days to weeks). They strongly suggest the existence of specific…  Continue reading

    événements, séminaires

    14 Octobre 2022 – Anne-Noël Samaha (Université de Montréal) – Addiction to cocaine: How you take the drug is more decisive than how much

    Exceptionnellement ce séminaire aura lieu en Salle des thèses (3ème étage) – Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris A widely used preclinical procedure to study features of cocaine addiction involves allowing laboratory animals to take drug continuously,…  Continue reading

    événements, séminaires

    7 Octobre 2022 – Fekrije Selimi  (Collège de France, Paris)- The developmental history of the molecular synaptic code controlling excitatory connectivity

    The mature brain results from the formation of precise networks between functionally and morphologically distinct types of neurons. A given neuron forms synapses with a limited number of partners and on precise subcellular localizations. Understanding what controls this specificity is…  Continue reading

    événements, séminaires

    23 Septembre 2022 – Sébastian Bouret (ICM, Paris) – Neural basis of decision-making in primates. In the lab and beyond

    The presentation will cover the cognitive and neurobiological functions underlying cost-benefits decision making in primates. After covering data from laboratory experiments, I will present recent studies aimed at understanding how these data can help understand how specific neuro-cognitive operations allow…  Continue reading

    événements, séminaires

    24 Juin 2022 – Pierre Paoletti (Institut de Biologie de l’ENS, Paris) – New lights on neurotransmission: from molecular optogenetics to excitatory glycine receptors

    The function of the human brain and its remarkable capacity for information storage and experience-dependent change hinge on the dynamics of chemical synapses – main ‘contact points’ between neurons. My team has a long-standing interest in studying the molecular principles…  Continue reading