événements, Non classé, séminaires
19 Janvier 2024 – Nicolas Renier (Laboratoire de Plasticité structurale, ICM, Paris) – The developing post-natal cerebral vasculature
The brain is densely perfused by the vascular network, which provides nutrients and oxygen to support neuronal function. The architecture of the cerebral vasculature addresses specific constrains of the neural tissues, including the near absence of energy storage and very… Continue reading
événements, séminaires
12 Janvier 2024 – Tatiana Novikova (Physique des Interfaces et Couches minces, Ecole polytechnique – Palaiseau) – Imaging Müller polarimetry for probing biological tissue at macro- and microscale
It has been proven that polarized light is extremely sensitive to tissue microstructure. Early pathological changes in tissues may not be visible with a naked eye. This contrast, however, can be increased in polarized light images, because these changes alter… Continue reading
événements, séminaires
10 Novembre 2023 – Laurent Cohen (Département de Neurologie, Hôpital de la Salpêtrière et Institut du Cerveau et de la Moëlle épinière – Paris) – The reading brain upside down and inside out
The ventral occipitotemporal (VOT) cortex plays a pivotal role in the visual recognition of various types of items, including objects, faces, places, and written words. The role of the left VOT in reading has been recognized since the 19th century… Continue reading
événements, rencontres INC
19 Octobre 2023 – INC Day 2023 – Neuroscience and Education
L’INC Day 2023, organisé en partenariat avec les masters BioMedical Engineering – Paris et NeuroParis et l’EUR Psychologie scientifique, est dédié à l’impact des Neurosciences et des Sciences cognitives sur l’enseignement. Quelles sont les bases neuronales de l’apprentissage? Les Neurosciences… Continue reading
événements, séminaires
3 Novembre 2023 – Jean-François Brunet (IBENS – ENS, Paris)- Genetic architecture of the autonomic nervous system
A general structure for the autonomic nervous system, divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic arms, was codified by John Newport Langley at the beginning of the XXth century. We propose a revision of this scheme based on neuron types. The “sacral… Continue reading
événements, séminaires
6 Octobre 2023 – Sarah Genon (Research Center Jülich, Germany) – From the complexity of brain organization to challenges in brain-behaviour mapping
Understanding brain-behaviour relationships in humans remains as one of the most complex scientific question. For a few decades, data offered by neuroimaging approaches, in particular MRI, have been under intense scientific investigations and methodological questioning. These have highlighted continuous challenges… Continue reading
événements, séminaires
29 Septembre 2023 – Eric Burguière (ICM, Paris) – Translational approach to investigate the neurofunctional bases of repetitive behaviours
Repetitive behaviors are acquired through practice and, under normal conditions, allow motor or cognitive processes to be efficiently automated in everyday life. However, a loss of control in the regulation of these processes can lead to their pathological overexpression. These… Continue reading
événements, séminaires
22 Septembre 2023 – Valérie Doyère (Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience / NeuroPsi)- The amygdala and the temporal expectancy of a reinforcer
When a sound predicts the potential arrival of a reinforcer, the subject learns the time at which that reinforcer may arrive or is available. The amygdala, and in particular its basolateral (BLA) part is critical for the emotional/motivational aspect of… Continue reading
événements, séminaires
7 Juillet 2023 – Mariano Soiza-Reilly (Institute of Physiology, Molecular Biology and Neurosciences – University of Buenos Aires – CONICET)- Synaptic refinement of afferents to raphe 5-HT neurons: Implications for psychiatric disorders
Psychiatric disorders including depression, anxiety and stress vulnerability represent main disabling conditions for individual’s life. Recent studies suggest that many aspects of these pathologies could have an early origin during childhood. Our goal is to investigate how maladaptive neurodevelopmental mechanisms… Continue reading
événements, séminaires
15 Mai 2023 – Kishore Kuchibhotla (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)- Insights and strategies during sensorimotor learning
Large-scale neural recordings provide an opportunity to better understand how the brain implements critical behavioral computations related to goal-directed learning. In this seminar, I will argue that re-visiting our understanding of the shape of the learning curve and its underlying… Continue reading