INC Day 2017 : Francesca Merlin – Conceptual and epistemological issues in brain epigenetics and beyond
On october 2017, 16th year, the INC DAY was dedicated to brain and epigenetics. You can find all the program and other videos here.
This speach was one of 10 speaches held in INC day conférence.
INC Day 2017… Continue reading
INC Day 2017 : Giacomo Cavalli – The 3D genome fingerprint of neuronal differentiation
On october 2017, 16th year, the INC DAY was dedicated to brain and epigenetics. You can find all the program and other videos here.
This speach was one of 10 speaches held in INC day conférence.
INC Day 2017… Continue reading
INC Day 2017 – Ernesto Burgio : Brain Evolution and Neurodevelopmental Disorders : From Genetics to Epigenetics
On october 2017, 16th year, the INC DAY was dedicated to brain and epigenetics. You can find all the program and other videos here.
This speach was one of 10 speaches held in INC day conférence.
Ernesto Burgio (ECERI,… Continue reading
INC Day 2017 – Tracy Bale : Maternal stress and epigenetic programming of the developing brain
On october 2017, 16th year, the INC DAY was dedicated to brain and epigenetics. You can find all the program and other videos here.
This speach was one of 10 speaches held in INC day conférence.
Tracy Bale (Perelman… Continue reading
INC Day 2017 – Bérénice Benayoun : pigenome and transcriptome changes across tissues during mouse aging
On october 2017, 16th year, the INC DAY was dedicated to brain and epigenetics. You can find all the program and other videos here.
This speach was one of 10 speaches held in INC day conférence.
Bérénice Benayoun (University… Continue reading
INC Day 2017 – Johannes Gräff : Epigenetic Mechanisms in Alzheimer’s Disease
On october 2017, 16th year, the INC DAY was dedicated to brain and epigenetics. You can find all the program and other videos here.
This speach was one of 10 speaches held in INC day conférence.
Johannes Gräff (Brain… Continue reading
events, seminars
Friday, December 1st. 2017 – Konrad Koerding
Rethinking the role of machine learning in neuroscience" Continue reading
events, INC Meetings
Mardi 14 Novembre: Qu’est-ce que l’épigénétique? avec Valérie Mezger et Barbara Demeneix
Cette soirée est dédiée à la découverte ou redécouverte de ce qu’est l’épigénétique, avec les conférences de Valérie Mezger (CNRS, PARIS Diderot) et de Barbara Demeneix (CNRS, MNHN), spécialiste des perturbateurs endocriniens, suivi d’un débat où chacun-e est invité… Continue reading
events, seminars
Friday, October 20th. Megan R. Carey (Champalimaud Neuroscience Program, Lisbon, Portugal)
Cerebellar contributions to coordinated locomotion in mice
Continue reading
events, seminars, videos
Friday, November 24th – Isabelle Mansuy
Transgenerational effects of early life trauma: Epigenetic mechanisms involving the germline Continue reading