Lori O'Regan
grants, opportunities
Two Open Mind grants awarded in 2018
We are pleased to announce 2 grants have been awarded for 2018 to:
Anne GALLAND, Impact de l’inflammation périnatale sur le neuro-développement des Troubles du Spectre Autistique. Supervised by Juliette VAN STEENWINCKEL, PhD
UMR 1141 INSERM-Paris 7
Florent KLEE, The… Continue reading
Judit Gervain receives the bronze medal of the CNRS!
Research director at Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception (LPP – UMR 8242), and co-director of the INC , Judit Gervain has received the bronze medal of the CNRS for her innovative work on speech… Continue reading
events, seminars, videos
Friday, April 13th – Joseph Classen, Pr.
Joseph Classen, Pr.
University of Leipzig, Germany
title: The short end and the long end of storing a motor skill.
Video of the event (restricted to Paris descartes members).
Neuroscience Seminar Series:
Friday, April 13th, 2018, 11:30 am, Salle des… Continue reading
events, seminars
Thursday, December 14th – Angela Sirigu
The neural basis of social behaviour in humans and non-human primates
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events, seminars
Friday, December 8th, 2017 – Scott Waddell
Neural mechanisms of memory re-evaluation: where did that memory go? Continue reading
events, seminars
Friday, December 1st. 2017 – Konrad Koerding
Rethinking the role of machine learning in neuroscience" Continue reading
events, INC Meetings
Mardi 14 Novembre: Qu’est-ce que l’épigénétique? avec Valérie Mezger et Barbara Demeneix
Cette soirée est dédiée à la découverte ou redécouverte de ce qu’est l’épigénétique, avec les conférences de Valérie Mezger (CNRS, PARIS Diderot) et de Barbara Demeneix (CNRS, MNHN), spécialiste des perturbateurs endocriniens, suivi d’un débat où chacun-e est invité… Continue reading
events, seminars
Friday, October 20th. Megan R. Carey (Champalimaud Neuroscience Program, Lisbon, Portugal)
Cerebellar contributions to coordinated locomotion in mice
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events, seminars, videos
Friday, November 24th – Isabelle Mansuy
Transgenerational effects of early life trauma: Epigenetic mechanisms involving the germline Continue reading
events, seminars
Friday, October 13th: Robert Campbell (University of Alberta, Canada)
New optogenetic tools to visualize and control neural activity Continue reading