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    événements, séminaires

    15 Octobre 2021 – German Sumbre (ENS, Paris) – Principles of functional circuit connectivity: Insights from the zebrafish optic tectum

    Spontaneous neuronal activity in sensory brain regions is spatiotemporally structured, suggesting that this ongoing activity may have a functional role. Nevertheless, the neuronal interactions underlying these spontaneous activity patterns, and their biological relevance, remain elusive. We addressed these questions using…  Continue reading

    événements, séminaires

    24 Septembre 2021 – Séverine Boillée (ICM, Paris) – Modifying macrophages at the periphery has the capacity to modify microglial reactivity and to extend ALS mouse survival

    Microglia, the macrophage of the CNS and peripheral macrophages, combined, have been implicated in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), the most common adult-onset motor neuron disease, but without discriminating their respective roles. Since we have shown that microglial cells participated to…  Continue reading

    événements, rencontres INC

    14 Septembre 2021 – Troisième rencontre du Club Autisme, autres troubles du neurodéveloppement et Vision (CAV)

    Le CAV organise son troisième webinaire le 14 Septembre à 14h30. Pour se connecter: https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/86380549926?pwd=RmZUZFJLVXRRR3ZkU2VBM0dROHV2dz09 ID de réunion : 863 8054 9926      Code secret : 233245 Le CAV est soutenu par le GIS Autisme et autres TND et par l’INC. Son comité d’organisation est…  Continue reading

    événements, séminaires

    6 Novembre 2020 – Stéphane Dieudonné (ENS, Paris) – A sequential strategy for multi photon actuation and recording of membrane voltage in awake animals

    Technologies for recording and manipulating neuronal membrane potential in vivo in defined neuronal populations with high fidelity will be essential to understand how information is represented, processed, and propagated in the brain. Genetically encoded voltage indicators and optogenetic actuators are…  Continue reading