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  • events, seminars

    Next Seminars in 2020!

    The Neuroscience Seminar Series 2020, save your dates! Friday at 11h30 Conference Room (R229) 17/01 Martin Giurfa (Cetre de Recherche sur la Cognition Animale, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) 24/01 Naguib Mechawar (McGill University – Canada) 07/02 Ruben Portugues (Max Plack…  Continue reading


    INC DAY 2019 – Takashi Namba – Human-specific genes, neural stem cell amplification, and neocortex expansion in development and human evolution

    The INC DAY 2019 was dedicated to the theme Animal Models of the Human Brain, held on November 7th at the Amphithéâtre Vulpian, Université Paris Descartes. Find more details about the program of the day here This video is restricted…  Continue reading


    INC DAY 2019 – Sullian Ben Hamed (Institut des Sciences cognitives Marc Jeannerod, Lyon) – Non-human primate models for the study of human brain functions and dysfunctions

    The INC DAY 2019 was dedicated to the theme Animal Models of the Human Brain, held on November 7th at the Amphithéâtre Vulpian, Université Paris Descartes. Find more details about the program of the day here This video is restricted…  Continue reading