Amphithéâtre Vulpian, locomotion
Université Paris Descartes,
12 rue de l’École de Médecine,
75006 Paris
Jacqueline Fagard (Laboratoire psychologie de la Perception, UMR 8242 CNRS -Paris Descartes), Valérie Mezger (Epigénétique et Destin Cellulaire, UMR7216 CNRS – Paris Diderot), Claire Legay and Claude Meunier (Centre de Neurophysique, Physiologie et Pathologie, UMR8119 CNRS – Paris Descartes)
9:00-9:30 : Breakfast and Welcome Address
9:30-10:30 : Keynote Lecture : “EPIGENETICS IN DEVELOPMENT AND DISEASE : LESSONS FROM THE X CHROMOSOME” by Edith Heard, Collège de France, Paris
10h30 – 10h40: short presentation of Diagénode system , by Jérome Kroonen
10:40-12:40 : From Biochemical mechanisms to Pathology
- Jonathan Weitzman (Epigénétique et destin cellulaire, Paris Diderot)
- Bérénice Benayoun (University of Califormia – Davies school of Gerontology,L.A, USA),
- Johannes Gräff (Brain Mind Institute, École Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne (EPFL),Switzerland)
12:30-14:00 Lunch in Galerie Saint-Germain
14:00-16:00 Epigenetics and Brain development
- Giacomo Cavalli (Institut de Génétique humaine, Montpellier)
- Claudine Junien (UVSQ, INRA, Paris, France)
A glance through epigenetic brain sex differences
- Tracy Bale (Perelman School of Medecine, University of Pennsylvania, USA)
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18h30: An epigenetic determinism?
- Marc Potenza (University of Yale, USA)
- Ernesto Burgio (ECERI, Brussels, Belgium and ISDE, Arezzo, Italy)
- Francesca Merlin (IHPST – CNRS & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
18:30-19:00 Conclusion and Refreshments
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