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    INC Student Grants since 2011

    The ‘Open Mind ‘ student grants aim to fund internships in INC teams. The grants are aimed at the best masters students.

    The INC has already awarded 41 Open Mind grants since 2011.


    • Esmée Brevé, whose project Spatially patterned organoids: evolution of microcircuits and cell migration disorders is supervised by Alessandra Pierani (Team Genetics and development of the cerebral cortex, IMAGINE), in collaboration with S. Thomas (IMAGINE) and S. Nedelec (Institut du Fer à Moulin).
    • Anne-Claire Colby, whose project Intracellular trafficking and secretion of VGF in neurons – role of VAMP7 and α-synuclein Trafic Thierry Galli (Team Membrane trafficking in healthy and diseased brains, IPNP).
    • Rania Mazouzi, whose project Role of nuclear transport and importins in neuronal functions and neurodevelopment diseases is supervised by Nicolas Panayotis (Team Molecular biology of neuronal transport, SPPIN)
    • Hibatullah Mimouni, whose project Cholinergic modulation and dysfunctions of inhibitory cortical circuits in schizophrenia is supervised by Fani Koukouli (Team Cholinergic Modulation of inhibitory cortical networks and pathologies, IPNP)
    • Fanny Saulnier, whose project Implication of corticoliberin, its receptors and some associated microARNs in a murine model of comorbidity of PTSD and morphin addiction troubles de stress is supervised by Claire Leconte (Team Pharmacology and therapies of addiction, T3S)
    • Félix Watine, whose project Mathematics applied to visual perception is supervised by Jonathan Vacher (MAP5), in collaboration with P. Mamassian (ENS).



    • Pilar Acebo, whose project Role of alpha-secretase ADAM10 in the myelination and remyelination of the Central Nervous System is supervised by Delphine Meffre (Team Myelination and pathologies of the nervous system, T3S Laboratory, UMR-S 1124 INSERM).
    • Alexia Gérard, whose project Early developpement of cerebral representations of the body in the infant: a study coupling neuroimaging and sensorimotor behavior is supervised by Jessica Dubois and Dollyane Muret (InDev Team, Neurodiderot Laboratory, U 1141 INSERM).
    • Anjalinna Kugathaa, whose project Analysis of alterations of NMDAR subunit expression and localization a novel mouse model of autism is supervised by Heike Rebholz (Team Signaling mechanisms in neurological disorders, IPNP, UMR-S 1266 INSERM)
    • Najmeh Mashhour, whose project Unravelling the functional role of the paraventricular thalamus and its connectomics in homéostasis,eating disorders and energy balance is supervised by Giuseppe Gangarossa (C3ADE Team, BFA Laboratory, UMR 8251 CNRS)
    • Juliette Morrel, whose project mARN nanoparticles : developping new tools to target the embryonic brain and rescue developmental defects is supervised by Frédéric Causeret (Team Genetics and developpement of the cerebral cortex, Imagine Institute, UMR 1163 CNRS-INSERM)
    • Derin-Reha Ulusoy, whose project Identification of microRNA biomarkers of comorbidity between post-traumatic stress disorder and addiction is supervised by Virginie Beray-Berthat and Raymond Mongeau (Pharmaddict Team, T3S Laboratory, UMR-S 1124 INSERM


    • Ekaterina Kozlova, whose project Modeling and simulating electrical conduction in nerves with damaged myelin is supervised by Samuel Bottani (Team Neurophysics MSCmed, MSC Laboratory, UMR 7057 CNRS).
    • Camille Mosser, whose project How to regulate neuroinflammation in les maladies neurodegenerativ amyloid diseases? is supervised by Benoît Schneider and Anne Baudry (Team Stem cells, signaling and prions, T3S Laboratory, UMRS 1124 INSERM).
    • Kimberley Gargoly, whose project Deciphering epigenetic and transcriptomic signatures in a mouse model of prenatal stress is supervised by is supervised by Délara Sabrant-Djoneidi (Team Interface development and environment, EDC Laboratory, UMR 7216 CNRS), in collaboration with Pierre Gressens (NeuroDiderot).


    • Valentin Ritou, Investigating the role of astrocytic Gi GPCR in visual memory. Supervised par Cendra Agulhon, Glia-glia and glia-neurone iteractions in neurophysiology, INCC (UMR 8002 CNRS)
    • Solène Moreau, Development of a PNS myelination model by neuron-Schwann cell compartimentalized co-culture  on a thermoplastic chip. Supervised par Hugo Salmon, Myelination and pathologies of the nervous system team, T3S (UMR- S1124 INSERM)


    No grant was awarded because of the sanitary situation


    • Rémi Baroud Recurrent dynamics and competition in basal ganglia. Supervised by David Hansel, Cerebral Dynamics, Plasticity and Learning team, INCC (UMR 8002 CNRS)
    •  Jules Bernard-Espina Influence de la posture et de l’apprentissage de mouvements de pointage/saisie sur l’intégration multi-sensorielle les transformations sensorimotrices. Supervised by Michele Tagliabue,  Spatial Orientation team , INCC (UMR 8002)


    • Anne Galland, Impact of perinatal inflammation on neurodeveloppement Autistic spectrum problems, supervised by Juliette Van Steenwinckle, UMR 1141 INSERM
    • Florent Klee,  Development and Pathologies of Neuromuscular Junctions Team.  Supervised by Claire Legay CNPP (UMR 8119 CNRS)


    • Alan Montarras, Role of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the timing of Pavlovian conditioning. Supervised by Carole Levenes, CNPP (UMR 8119 CNRS)
    • Solène Renault, Role of microgia in synaptogenesis : A study in the zebrafish. Supervised by Nadia Soussi-Yanicostas, PROTECT (UMR 1141 INSERM)
    • Ludovic Saint-Amour de Chanaz, Neural activity associated with episodic and semantic autobiographical memory in relation with identity : differences linked to sex and gender in Humans. Supervised by Pascale Piolino, LMC (Université Paris Descartes)


    • Botao Peng, Time Series Analysis of Human Eye Movement Data. Supervised by Themis Palpanas (LIPADE) and Zoï Kapoula (IRIS)
    • Pauline Calmat, Role of the mTOR kinase in the dynamics of dendritic spines and implications for Alzheimer disease. Supervised by François Darchen and Claire Desnos, Synaptic trafficking group, Neurophotonics Laboratory (CNRS UMR8250)
    • Alexandra Pressigout, Comparative oculomery study of the SNARC effect elicited by numerical vs. conceptual linguistic stimuli, supervised by Karine Doré-Mazars (VAC) and Agnès Charvillat (LMC and CPN)


    • Maxine Dos Santos, Involvement of antipsychotic muscarinic effects in memory impairments in schizophrenia. Supervised by Pascale Piolino (Laboratoire Mémoire et Cognition, Institut de Psychologie et Centre de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences)
    • Yasmine Rabah, Satellite glial cell-neuron interactions in dorsal root ganglia. Supervised by Cendra Agulhon, Glia-Glia & Glia-Neuron Interactions in Neurophysiopathology Team (FR 3636).
    • Bertille Somon, Exploring the role of MuSK, a receptor tyrosine kinase and its Wnt binding domain in the Brain. Supervised by Claire Legay, Development and Pathologies of Neuromuscular Junctions Team, CNPP (UMR 8119 CNRS).


    • Natalie Busch, Emotional and amneasic troubles and deregulation of the somatostatinergetic networks in two murine models of Alzheimer’s disease. Supervised by Guillaume Martel and Cécile Viollet (Centre de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences).
    • Coline Taillefer, Adaptation of ocular saccadic movement in pre-school children. Supervised by Karine Doré-Mazars (VAC).


    • Mounira Kharoubi, Specific molecular targetting of protein phosphatase PP1 as a new pharmaceutical approach to spinal amyotrophies. Supervised by Suzy Lefèvre, Toxicologie, Pharmacologie et Signalisation cellulaire (UMR 1124 INSERM)
    • Mélina Martial The crawligator : a replacement system for locomotion from birth on. Supervised by M. Barbu-Roth et S. Hanneton, LPP
    • Rémi Barroi, Sensorimotor control of Parkinsonian and DOPA subjects. Supervised by P-P. Vidal, CESEM
    • Seddik Belkoura (supervised by A. Gorea and G. Mongillo), on the computation of Visual Summary Statistics.


    • Janice Hau, Perception of time and the modification of long-term perception by contextual factors – psychophysics and cerebral imaging. Supervised by Andrei Gorea (LPP) in collaboration with Jennifer Coull (Laboratory of Neurobiology of Cognition, Marseille).
    • Pierre de Maricourt, The effects of a new antidepressant, Ketamine, on rats and the efficiency of synapses between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. Supervised by Mathieu Beraneck (CESeM) and Thérèse Jay (CPN)
    • Mehdi Hichor Steroids/Wnt and myelination and the role of the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor in myelination. Supervised by Julien Grenier and Charbel Massaad (CESeM )


    • Camille Lancelin Postnatal maturation of motor units in mice modified for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Supervised by Frédéric Charbonnier (CESeM)
    • Léa Firmin, Structure-function in the primate corticospinal tract: the importance of small fibers. Supervised by Marc Maier (CESeM)