- Pilar Acebo, whose project Role of alpha-secretase ADAM10 in the myelination and remyelination of the Central Nervous System is supervised by Delphine Meffre (Team Myelination and pathologies of the nervous system, T3S Laboratory, UMR-S 1124 INSERM).
- Alexia Gérard, whose project Early development of cerebral representations of the body in the infant: a study coupling neuroimaging and sensorimotor behavior is supervised by Jessica Dubois and Dollyane Muret (InDev Team, Neurodiderot Laboratory, U 1141 INSERM).
- Anjalinna Kugathaa, whose project Analysis of alterations of NMDAR subunit expression and localization a novel mouse model of autism is supervised by Heike Rebholz (Team Signaling mechanisms in neurological disorders, IPNP, UMR-S 1266 INSERM)
- Najmeh Mashhour, whose project Unravelling the functional role of the paraventricular thalamus and its connectomics in homéostasis,eating disorders and energy balance is supervised by Giuseppe Gangarossa (C3ADE Team, BFA Laboratory, UMR 8251 CNRS)
- Juliette Morrel, whose project mARN nanoparticles: developping new tools to target the embryonic brain and rescue developmental defects is supervised by Frédéric Causeret (Team Genetics and developpement of the cerebral cortex, Imagine Institute, UMR 1163 CNRS-INSERM)
- Derin-Reha Ulusoy, whose project Identification of microRNA biomarkers of comorbidity between post-traumatic stress disorder and addiction is supervised by Virginie Beray-Berthat and Raymond Mongeau (Pharmaddict Team, T3S Laboratory, UMR-S 1124 INSERM