This year, the INC Day, organized in partnership with the masters programs BioMedical Engineering – Paris and NeuroParis and supported by the Faculty of sciences of Paris Cité University and the Graduate school Psychological science, is dedicated to ethics. What are the biological bases of ethics? What ethical issues face today’s researchers in our field? What are the ethical consequences of the present advances in neuroscience and cognitive sciences for society? Following the keynote lecture by Hervé Chneiweiss (Neuroscience Paris Seine) five other French or foreign researchers will present their latest results in the field of ethics and four French scientific personalities will animate a round table on scientific rules of conduct.
This scientific conference will take place in the Amphitheater Polonowski of Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75006.
The talks will also be broadcasted on Zoom
Meeting ID: 838 4228 8653
Secret code : 648029
on the internet site of Université Paris Cité (select Amphithéâtre Polonovski in the page
and on World Wide Neuro (
Registration is free but mandatory. Just fill the form available on the page.

9:00-9:30 Registration on Zoom and welcome address
- Keynote lecture by Hervé Chneiweiss (Neuroscience Paris Seine)
From neuroscience to neurotechnology: our brain and its ethical issues
10:30-11:50 Foundations of Ethics
- Vanessa Nurock (Côte d’Azur University and UNESCO EVA Chair)
Why should we care about the origins of our ethical intuitions?
- Elizabeth Spelke (Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA) on Zoom
Origin of human ethical intuitions: open questions
- Judy Illes (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
Seizing hope (private screening)
12:45-14:45 Lunch break
14:45-16:00 Debate: scientific rules of conduct
- with Boris Barbour (ENS, Paris), Michèle Leduc (ENS, Paris), Rémy Mosseri (Sorbonne Université & CNRS, Paris) and Alice René (CNRS, Paris)
16:00-16:30 Afternoon break
16:30-18:30 Neuroethics and Society
- Judy Illes (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada)
The imperative for environmental neuroethics today
- Bernard Baertschi (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
The moral significance of consciousness
- Fruszina Molnar-Gabor (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Privacy and data protection in the ”Neuroworld”
18:30 Conclusion