Salle du Conseil, Université Paris Descartes, 12 rue de l’École de Médecine, 75006 Paris
J. Gervain (Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, LPP, CNRS – Paris Descartes), P. Gressens (Neuroprotection des atteintes au cerveau en développement, NACD, INSERM – Paris Diderot), T. Jay and M-O. Krebs (Centre de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences, CPN, INSERM – Paris Descartes), C. Meunier (Centre de Neurophysique, Physiologie et Pathologie, CNPP, CNRS – Paris Descartes).
Download the complete program by clicking the link : Program INC Day
9:00-9:30 Breakfast and Welcome Address
- Claude Meunier (Director of INC), Jacques Epelbaum (Director of CPN) and Pierre Gressens (Director of NACD)
- Keynote Lecture by Yehezkel Ben Ari
(Institut de Neurobiologie de la
Méditerranée) : Birth and Neuro-Archeology of Autism, Introduced by Judit Gervain (LPP)
10:30-12:30 Session Inflammation and Brain Maturation
Chair : Etienne Audinat, Neurophysiologie et Nouvelles Microscopies, INSERM – Paris Descartes
- Urs Meyer
(ETH, Zürich) : Priming of Neurodevelopmental Disorders by In Utero Immune Challenge
- Pierre Gressens
(Paris Diderot) : Impact of Perinatal Neuroinflammation on Brain Development and Function
- Short communications
- Juliette Van Steenwinckel (NACD) Role of microglial Wnt pathway in perinatal
inflammation-induced white matter injury - Betty Freret-Hodara (Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS – Université Paris
Diderot) Cortical progenitors adapt their mode of division to rescue neuronal loss even
upon major embryonic injuries. - Vincent Degos (NACD and Département d’Anesthésie Réanimation, Groupe
Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière, Université Pierre et Marie Curie), Role of peri-operative
inflammation in acquired cognitive dysfunction and in acute brain injuries
sensitization. - Paola Squarzoni (Brain Development and Plasticity, IBENS, Ecole Normale
Supérieure – Inserm – CNRS) Microglia modulate the wiring of the embryonic forebrain
- Juliette Van Steenwinckel (NACD) Role of microglial Wnt pathway in perinatal
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Session Neurodevelopment and Autism
Chair : Richard Delorme, Génétique humaine et Fonctions cognitives, CNRS – Paris Diderot
- Anna Remington
(UCL, London) : The Autism Gift? Increased Perceptual Capacity in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Sylvie Tordjmann
(Paris Descartes) : Melatonin and Autism
- Short communications
- Carline Bernard (LPP), Auditory and Speech Perception in Individuals With Autism: the Role of Prosody
- Sylvie Chokron (LPP) Neurocognitive approach of Autism
- François Darchen (Laboratoire de Neurophotonique CNRS – Paris Descartes) mTOR as a potential biomarker of autism spectrum disorders.
- Carole Levenes (CNPP), The role of the Cerebellum in Autism : Reappraisal of a causal relationship.
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:30 Session Schizophrenia and Drug Abuse
Chair : Carole Levenes, CNPP, CNRS – Paris Descartes
- Peter Uhlhaas
(University of Glasgow) : Schizophrenia, Brain Development and Neural Oscillations : Perspectives from Magnetoencephalography
- Marie‐Odile Krebs
(Paris Descartes) : Schizophrenia, a Cognitive Developmental Disorder ?
- Short communications
- Rebecca Piskorowski (Laboratoire de Physiologie Cérébrale, CNRS – Paris Descartes), Age-dependant changes in hippocampal area CA2 in a mouse model of schizophrenia.
- Boris Chaumette (CPN), Methylomic analysis of conversion to psychosis.
- Maxime Teremetz (CPN) Behavioral and modeling evidence for altered motor inhibition and motor noise in schizophrenia.
18:30-19:00 Conclusion and Refreshments